When we jumped off into the digital unknown for a virtual ROBOTICON event, we jumped with foresight, planning and confidence in the great people who always make ROBOTICON work, and who we think it’s safe to say did not disappoint in the virtual version!  It was obviously a very different way to host what is normally a very social, high energy youth event, but all our great teams and participants brought joy and fun and wonder to it – and lots of patience and good humor!

We send our thanks and congratulations to the teams, coaches, families, sponsors and program partners  who helped make  ROBOTICON 2020 such a fun and wonderful success!

Videos and Photos


ROBOTICON 2020 Recorded video can be found on our ROBOTICON YouTube page and we’ve updated our photo gallery with this year’s photos and screenshots!

ROBOTICON Award Winners!



Sponsored by SOLIDWORKS, organized by Bryan Bautista

  • Judges Award: Velociraptors 48501
  • CAD Challenge Winner: Team 14189 VISION


FIRST Tech Challenge Rookie Team Grants

Sponsored by FIRST Tech Challenge

NEXT Robotics Winners

  • FRC 4592 – Mighty Mechanical Mustangs – Hollywood, Florida, Mcarthur High School Alumni

Showcase Teams


Top Scores

  • 1st place KRAKEN 260
  • 2nd place Novabots 255
  • 3rd place JagBots 180

Spirit Award

  • Jammin’ JagBots

Judges Award: Community Outreach Recognition

  • Velociraptors

 FIRST Tech Challenge – Judges Award for Courageous Participation

  • 2845 Team Duct Tape, Tampa
  • 14189 VISION, Tampa
  • 14226 Fe3 Ironic, Palmetto, FL
  • 16527  RevForce, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea
  • 18585 Future Tech 9-0, Quincy, FL

FIRST Robotics Competition

Skills Challenge Awards

  •  1st – 5276, Edgar Allan Ohms: Total Score: 97 | Matches Played: 7 | Normalized Score: 13.86
  •  2nd – 2341, Sprockets: Total Score: 32 | Matches Played: 3 | Normalized Score: 10.67
  •  3rd – 3164, Stealth Tigers: Total Score: 1 | Matches Played: 2 | Normalized Score: 0.50

Judges Awards

  • 5276 Edgar Allan Ohms for Development of ROBOTICON Live and Open Source FMS, as well as the creation of ROBOTICON 2020 Skills Challenges
  • 806 Brooklyn Blacksmiths –  Brooklyn, NY –  Sharing their FIRST Experience

Special Awards

ROBOTICON MVP – JoAnn Fitzpatrick

In recognition of her support of ROBOTICON Tampa Bay since its inception, in gratitude for her contributions as an exemplary graphic designer and marketing professional who has helped make the ROBOTICON brand iconic.  JoAnn was a founding member of the Foundation for Community Driven Innovation, and has been the force behind the visual identity of all of our FCDI brands, including, in addition to ROBOTICON, Gulf Coast MakerCon and AMRoC Fab Lab.  She was also coach of FTC Team Duct Tape for six years.

ROBOTICON Volunteer of the Year – Bryan Bautista

In recognition of our inaugural but now permanently featured ROBOTICON CAD Challenge, and all the work that went into designing, launching and judging the event

Thank you again to all our amazing event sponsors and contributors, to all the wonderful teams who joined us and to the best event planning team any event could ever have!

Have a safe, healthy and happy competition and holiday season!
With virtual high fives and warmest best wishes from all of us at the Foundation for Community Driven Innovation and ROBOTICON!